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Rin@sciano, dove le cose hanno una seconda vita Asciano

Rin@sciano, dove le cose hanno una seconda vita
Proloco Ascano - 53041 Asciano, via Amos Cassioli, 2
Telephone 0577 718666
Where: Centro Storico di Asciano
When: Terzo fine settimana di settembre
Time: dalle 9 alle 20
Website: http://www.prolocoasciano.it/
Business card (vCard)

The third weekend of September
Recycle, reuse have now become common terms although still not sufficiently valued in their real meaning. We have almost all learned to "differentiate" our waste so that they can be recycled, reused, to be renewed, at times, more and more often, creatively.
By the desire to show the best creativity in the use of waste materials or, in fact, recycling is born Rinasciano, a real whirlwind of shows, games, workshops, music, but also a market for the best Italian craftsmanship, fruit of but also love for the environment.
Artists, such as Gerard Geaugonin, French for years in Siena with his studio-limonaia, author of mirrors "computer" like the legendary Ciro recreator infinity, or "white light" Gabriella Goffi, the daddy of them all, Emo Formichi by Pienza and its farm or mechanical transformed into fantastic animals have been among the most prominent participants in the first edition held in September 2012.
They were and are also available games "used to be" rebuilt of salvaged wood from Engineers Sollazzo, and not to be seen but to be "played". I have Fantulin then propose a laboratory for the creation of truly unique scarecrow and even dozens of artisans who have set themselves with their works fantastic. This is because the organizers offered to all: play to reflect or think playing at a time when more and more we will have to relearn to use well all things, "'a throw anything away," and what better way than to do it creatively ?