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Chiesa e Museo della Misericordia
Rapolano Terme
The church of the Mercy is a sacred building situated in Rapolano terme. The front of the ...

MAM: Mostra Arti e Mestieri, allestita da Renato Mencarelli
Renato, a retired former impresario, to give vent to his great attachment to the productiv...

Museo Cassioli Pittura senese dell'Ottocento
Established in 1991 thanks to the important legacy of works of the Cassioli family, origin...
Museo Civico Archeologico e d'Arte Sacra Palazzo Corboli
Once a complicated restoration of the old Palace had been completed, the Casa Corboli Muse...
Museo d'Arte Sacra della Val d'Arbia
Inaugurated in 1979 into another expositive context, the Museum has been moved into the Pa...

Museo del Tartufo
San Giovanni d'Asso
In San Giovanni d’Asso, a natural bridge between the Crete senesi and the Val d&rsqu...

Museo dell' Antica Grancia
Rapolano Terme
After long and delicate works of restoration , the Grancia of Serre di Rapolano has been o...

Museo dell'Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
This little museum, created from the beautiful “Sala Capitolare” of the Abbey,...

Museo della Mezzadria
The ethnographic museum of the Sienese Share Cropping, situated in the historic centre of ...

Museo Nazionale del Presepe
Rapolano Terme
The Museum is located in the premises of the Parish of Santa Maria Assunta, with the aim o...