CRYO TRADE S.r.l. Rapolano Terme

53040 RAPOLANO TERME, Via degli Interrati, 12
Telephone 0577 725380 - 0577 725527
assistenza 0577 725380
Fax 0577 725527
Mobile phone: 335 330605
solo per emergenze festive
Time: 8:00 - 13:00 e 14:30 - 18:30
Closed: Sabato e Domenica
Website: www.cryotrade.it
Business card (vCard)

Over time has managed to carve out a significant role in the market place as its strong point and the completeness of the proposed services. With great professionalism the Cryo Trade is able to follow each client throughout the continuum from design to after sales technique.
The company employs professional technicians who deal with technical assistance and fittings, constantly updated with specific training for each brand we process it.
Within our offices there is always someone ready and willing to respond to your every need. The service continues even outside working hours with an always-on voice mail and available technicians.
The sales structure also employs trained and experienced, can provide free consultations for each specific need, managing to meet the needs of the most demanding customer.