Giostra di Simone San Giovanni d'Asso

After this expedition the Count and his men, as he could not hold the position, including the reaction of the inhabitants of the village, has run away to Siena, and at his death he left all his lands to the Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala.
Just to remember this event, the people of Montisi pens & ograve; to recall this incident with the Carousel, of which there is already talk & agrave; some books of 1700 preserved in the Church of the Madonna della Torricella.
La Giostra & egrave; duration, alternating periods until the Second World War and ran into the village.
In 1972, some people thought to present it again to give life to this country which was already dying for the continued depopulation of the area. Since then & egrave; slowly grown and improved in every aspect, especially in the historical procession that currently consists of 70 listed between Dame Knights, Massari, Armigeri, Drummers, trumpets, flag-waving etc ..
The tournament takes place in a specific field, in the countryside of great visual impact and the environment.
The knights representing the four districts, Castle Square, San Martin and Torre, compete with spears, trying to hit at the end of a run at full gallop, the & quot; barrel & quot ;, effigy of Simon, who goes on the left arm a target and on the same shoulder a ring called & quot; bell & quot; while the right hand holds the & quot; & quot ;, scourge sort of whip with balls attached, ready to hit the knight who will not be & agrave; fast in his attack.
In the district of which the knight at the end of the four & quot; career & quot; avr & agrave; the highest number of points is assigned a painted banner, called Montisi & quot; cloth & quot ;.