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Ancient driveway for Serre of Rapolano
Safari 8 - Taking advantage of an open space suitable for parking under a retaining wall o...
With Domenico di Bartolo along the ancient Lauretana - Devotion, Art and Mercy
The ideal starting point for this pilgrimage route is surely the piazza of the D...

From Medane to Valdarbia and return
Safari 6 - This path is piutosto challenging in case you want to take photographs for tanr...

From Rigoli towards Montauto and return
Game drives 10 - Short but quite demanding route, as it takes place entirely on dirt roads...
The Tour of Mezzavia
Photo Safari 1 - This route, very suitable for a stimulating excursion in MBK, was however...

From Pievina and return to the Cause
Safari 12 - Path rather long, difficult to make aa foot but suitable by bicycle, motorcycl...

From Fontanelle to Caliano
Photo safari 14 - Path exciting for the photo opportunities that guarantees in landscaping...

Among mammelloni Leonina with Siena in the background
Photo Safari 4 - This short photographic excursion, which can only be done on fo...

Tour from Ombrone to Badia Rofeno
Safari 9 - Short route on the heights north of Asciano. Starting from the junction from Ry...

Palazzomonaci around the cell
Safari 13 - This route seemingly uninteresting, reserve rather unique opportunities for sh...

Around Montauto
Fotosafari 11 - The route obviously starts from the only clearing under Montauto where it ...

Around Monte Oliveto Maggiore
FotoSafari 15 - Short but particularly difficult route because the track on the dirt road ...

Around the lakes of Menchiari
Safari 2 - The lakes called the Menchiari taking its name from a known name given to casal...