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Filarmonica Pietro Mascagni Buonconvento
The date of birth of the
Philharmonic Pietro Mascagni
is not clear, there are
still documents from 1845 stating
that the band
has made a music
service at a village festival, in relatively recent
documents talking about
the participation of the same
in the
festivities in Rome in 1890 and a fervent activity in the early
1900; actually
stood the existence of
two formations band clubs and a strong
presence of the band in
the life of the country that
he performed in
numerous festivals and was
even used
to accompany viewers to the cinema.
At the turn of
the two world wars, the news is sporadic
and not very precise, the Second
World War for the Philharmonic
Mascagni began a period
of great musical
activity until the late
50s when the
activity ceases. In 1977 the City of
Buonconvento, in order
to restore the body bands, establishing
of music courses
that are received with
great enthusiasm by the
citizens; enroll in the
first course of a
wind instrument as many as 45
students and 88
members subscribe
to the Philharmonic.
Within a few years, Pietro Mascagni
and is
reconstituted in 1983 with the entry of 13 new
students in
band the
band makes its
first exit unaided with 23 elements all very
Parallel to the reconstitution of the band is
established a body
of Majorette and
shall be operational for several
To date, the Philharmonic Mascagni
is carrying out a project for the dissemination of
musical culture and the climate
of friendship and cooperation that characterizes education, has greatly
contributed to new musicians from other
places in the
band who have
found the ideal in order to best express their love for