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From Fontanelle to Caliano Asciano

Track length: 6,4 km
Road bed type: Misto Asfalto/sterrato
Difficulty: Media
Photo safari 14 - Path exciting for the photo opportunities that guarantees in landscaping.
Being a mixed route, part asphalt covering a stretch of Loreto must be walked very carefully considering the traffic at certain times of the day can be quite intense.
The rest of the route on roads is pretty easy even if characterized by a significant ups and downs. In this part of the journey you can make photos of territories not much exploited by photography enthusiasts, through an area not very busy.
The point of origin and destination is the clearing parking downhill, placed in front of the farm Le Fontanelle. Hence it is advisable not to dwell now to photograph, walking towards the dirt road that starts from Fontanelle and leads to Calceno.
Arrived at this farm, continue until the Seabed and from here to Caliano without major problems. Turning right for Pievina you return to the starting point along the Lauretana Antica on asphalt.
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Foto safari 14 - Percorso entusiasmante per le opportunità fotografiche che garantisce a live