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Via Crucis, Stazione 01 - La condanna Asciano

Via Crucis, Stazione 01 - La condanna

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Artist: Francesco Francini
Year: 1790
Current location: Basilica Millenaria di S.Agata
Original location: Basilica Millenaria di S.Agata


Index prosecutors upset the life of man, brother, friend, in the vain search for a culprit of our tragedies, of our failures. And then we demand justice, we point the finger at the brother, the parents, the wife, and also against the weak. But feeding on resentment fails to make us feel at peace. In the silent depths of each of us, every condemnation will seem more distant to us and every storm will remain on the surface. With his serene silences Jesus teaches us to stay and remain serene in the house of our intimacy made so inaccessible to every condemnation.

Via Crucis, Stazione 01 - La condanna


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