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026 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Patto tra Elia e Acab

026 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Patto tra Elia e Acab

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Artist: Domenico Beccafumi
Year: 1524
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta

Hex center you can see the figure of King Ahab and Elijah left to right, surrounded by two symmetrical wings of characters. The figures are tall and slender, with fine clothes, especially the royal has turban, wide sleeves and fur seals. Elijah is pointing to a hill where there is a tree dried up due to drought and where they are dragged two oxen to sacrifice: one will be offered to Baal and the other by his priests to God of Elijah, so that the king, in the presence of all the people can see what true worship is and what a dummy (I Kings, 18, 17-19). In the background you can see the walls of the city. This was the last hex to be executed by Beccafumi, whose payment was made ​​June 18, 1524. In this marquetry artist modules scenes footage of the fifteenth floor, using a sky of marbles blacks.

026 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Patto tra Elia e Acab